Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) Plain Language Summary
Eagleville Hospital’s mission is committed to providing comprehensive, patient-centered behavioral health treatment for clients who suffer from substance use disorders, co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions and primary mental illness. We are dedicated to supporting recovery, improving the quality of life and meeting health care needs with compassion and respect to those we serve, including patients who are traditionally underserved.
One of the ways Eagleville Hospital fulfills this mission it to provide financial assistance to those members of the community who are in need through its Financial Assistance Policy to patients unable to pay for emergency or medical care.
You may be able to get financial assistance if you do not have insurance, are underinsured or if it would be a financial hardship to pay in full the expected out of pocket expenses for the emergency and other medical necessary care you received at Eagleville Hospital.
This is a summary document, please refer to the Financial Assistance Policy for complete details.
Eligibility Requirements
Financial assistance is generally determined based upon need which is decided by a review of household income based on the Federal Poverty Level and the amount of patient responsibility.
For patients with incomes of 200 percent or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, 100 percent financial assistance. is offered. For patients with income between 200 and 500 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, financial assistance discounts are offered on a sliding scale. Eagleville Financial Counselors can assist you with the Charity Care/Financial Assistance application to fulfill your financial obligation. No patient eligible for financial assistance under the FAP will be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering such care. (AGB)
Patients must fully comply with the applications process, including submitting tax returns, bank statements and pay stubs, as well as, completing the application process for all available sources of assistance, including Medicaid or Medical Assistance.
Providers who are not covered under the Financial Assistance Policy
Certain physicians are not covered under Eagleville Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy. Please visit our website, see Independent Provider list, or contact us at 610-539-6000 for more information.
Copies of the Financial Assistance Policy and Plain Language Summary are available throughout our campus at: 100 Eagleville Road ~ Eagleville ~ Pennsylvania ~ 19403-1828 ~ (800) 255-2019
Admissions Office 1st Floor, Patient Care Bldg. 610-635-6301
Patient Accounts Office 2nd Floor, Patient Care Building, 610-635-7494
Financial Counselors Office Suite 133, Louchheim Bldg 610-635-7493